SocialPedia Talks 10 – despre moderarea pe Clubhouse

Pe 12 aprilie 2021 am discutat la SocialPedia Talks 10, pe Clubhouse, despre moderarea pe Clubhouse cu Bre Donofrio, Virtual Events Pro.
Mai jos am notat câteva dintre ideile pe care le-am reținut de la Bre și sperăm să vă ajute sau să vă motiveze să explorați lumea Clubhouse. Le-am notat în limba engleză pentru o mai bună acuratețe.
- Bre Donofrio is a Virtual Event Master & Top Rated Clubhouse Moderator
- In the beginning, I spend hours and hours on Clubhouse
- I hosted events for so long, and this pandemic forced me to pivot and expand myself in virtual events
- On Clubhouse, there are like 13 million active users now
- I am the top 10 event pro here
- In the first week, I learned about etiquette and culture
- Me and my friends were kinds of the first in this event culture
- We just produced content daily, and we showed up for people
- Be yourself, and the people that resonate with you will be there for you
- Pay attention to the audience in the room and the moderators on the stage
- Be ok with saying – I really love what you say, but I also see that Sam is unmuting his mic.
- Try to understand why are you losing people and change the topic or do a recap
- Try to be a relevant and inspiring moderator
- Be a better listener than you are a speaker
- Think about how you can get the best from your guests
- Every room is unique, as for every speaker and guest
- I love the rooms that have a great and engaged audience
- We had hybrid rooms with video on Zoom, and we enjoyed them
- Late at night, here in the USA, we have jokes rooms until the morning
- Comedy Rooms are very popular here in the States (live prank calls)
- We had here Clubhouse Has Talent with a lot of stars as guests
- Follow Bre to find out everything about her Clubhouse Mastermind
- When you position yourself powerfully on the Clubhouse stage, you have the potential to impact and engage a greater audience than ever before
- I like helping people coordinate events on Clubhouse
- Coordinating an event for a brand is so much more than just moderating – great research, finding the right speakers, interact with the audience, putting your personal brand out there …
- My first paid collaboration on Clubhouse was a daily room with a brand, for a month
- Take care of the room and the club title that you have because that’s how you attract
- When you start seeing celebrities and really important people that’s when you know that the app will change the entire game
- Clubhouse is not an extension of an app, it stands alone and it’s a great community
SocialPedia Talks este o serie de discuții săptămânale pe Clubhouse. Ne auzim în fiecare luni, de la ora 19. Follow SocialPedia Talks, Sabina Cornovac și Iulia Stănescu pentru a primi notificare atunci când pornim o cameră! Și nu uitați să dați JOIN clubului SOCIALPEDIA TALKS!